Viewport Animations

the view port animations is fireing animation when the element is in the viewport.

Usage :

to apply viewport animation simply add Class wow then add the animation class/name scroll down to see the effects in action.
Tip : to applay animation after another use a data attribute delay data-delay with a value of seconds or millisecondes number for example data-delay="1s".

<div class="section">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-3">
            <img src="images/image.jpg" alt="" class="fluid wow fadeInLeft">
        <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-3">
            <img src="images/image-2.jpg" alt="" class="fluid wow fadeInRight" data-delay="0.5s">
        <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-3">
            <img src="images/image-3.jpg" alt="" class="fluid wow vanishIn" data-delay="1s">
        <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-3">
            <img src="images/image.jpg" alt="" class="fluid wow holeIn" data-delay="1.5s">

Note : the animatons have A seperated file you will find it in the dist folder or you can use the CDN call back from Getting Start Page.


Helper Definition
data-delay / data-wow-delay for delaying animation.
data-wow-duration animation duration
data-wow-offset element offest
data-wow-iteration animation iteration number

Animations Tester

Animation Class/Name :  

3rd Party Plugins

Note : all 3rd party plugins ar already included with the lateast version and customized to work perfectly with tornado.
You can see the original documentation in order to use them in particular way.

Plugin Name Definition Orignal Documentation
Wow.js Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down. [for Commercial use visit wow commercial] Documentation