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Grid System Utilities

The Grid Utilities is a bunch of assets class that help you to align your elements change gutter space and much more...

Grid Columns Gutters

Gutter is The space between columns and box's it has 30px gutter by default you can increase or decrease The space by prefixed class's given to The row element see The table below to know all available class's.

Class Name Gutter Size
no-gutter Remove Gutters [0px] Space Between Columns
gutter-small Resize Gutters to [15px] Between Columns 7.5px on each side
gutter-medium Resize Gutters to [20px] Between Columns 10px on each side
gutter-large Duplicate Gutter Size [60px] Between Columns 30px on each side

Columns Alignment

Grid System Uses The Flexbox Alignment Options To Align Columns Vertically and Horizontally with class's , self element align and all elements at once you will see in The table below The class's for alignment with an explanation of what They do.

Class Name element description
align-center-z row Align All columns to The Center Vertically and Horizontally.
Horizontally Alignment
align-center-x row Align All Columns to The Center Horizontally.
align-start-x row Align All Columns Horizontally to The Start Point of The Row.
align-end-x row Align All Columns Horizontally to The End Point of The Row.
align-around row Align All Columns Horizontally to The Center and Make The Remaining Space Around Them.
align-between row Align All Columns Horizontally to The Center and Make The Remaining Space Between Them.
Vertically Alignment
align-center-y row Align All Columns to The Center Vertically.
align-start-y row Align All Columns Vertically to The Top of The Row.
align-end-y row Align All Columns Vertically to The Bottom of The Row.
Single Column Alignment
align-self-start column Align Column Vertically to The Top of The Row.
align-self-center column Align Column Vertically to The Center of The Row.
align-self-end column Align Column Vertically to The Bottom of The Row.

Display Utilities

Use our display utilities for responsively toggling Show/Hide values of the display property. Mix it with our grid system, content, or components to show or hide them across specific viewports.

Class Name Breakpoint
Hide Elements
hidden Hide The Element Across All Screen Sizes.
hidden-s-up Hide The Element From 576px Small Screen's and up.
hidden-s-down Hide The Element From 640px Small Screen's and Down.
hidden-m-up Hide The Element From 768px Medium Screen's and up.
hidden-m-down Hide The Element From 980px Medium Screen's and Down.
hidden-l-up Hide The Element From 1024px Large Screen's and up.
hidden-l-down Hide The Element From 1200px Large Screen's and Down.
hidden-xl-up Hide The Element From 1366px Large Screen's and up.
hidden-xl-down Hide The Element From 1600px Large Screen's and Down.
Displaying Elements
show-s-up Show The Element From 576px Small Screen's and up.
show-s-down Show The Element From 640px Small Screen's and Down.
show-m-up Show The Element From 768px Medium Screen's and up.
show-m-down Show The Element From 980px Medium Screen's and Down.
show-l-up Show The Element From 1024px Large Screen's and up.
show-l-down Show The Element From 1200px Large Screen's and Down.
show-xl-up Show The Element From 1366px Large Screen's and up.
show-xl-down Show The Element From 1600px Large Screen's and Down.